Thursday, February 12, 2009



verb, -pared, -par⋅ing.
–verb (used with object)
1. to put in proper condition or readiness: to prepare a patient for surgery.

2. to get (a meal) ready for eating, as by proper assembling, cooking, etc.

3. to manufacture, compound, or compose: to prepare a cough syrup.

4. Music. to lead up to (a discord, an embellishment, etc.) by some preliminary tone or tones.

–verb (used without object) 5. to put things or oneself in readiness; get ready: to prepare for war.

Are you prepared? I always ask God's will for our family... I always ask for God to take us to the next level... But am I prepared? I want to do everything I can to be prepared.

The other day I was having a horrible day just thinking about the move and no place to move to or any signs of anything... But I have been telling people we are praying and believing that God is preparing something great for us.. But were we really?

When this thought hit me it hit me like a ton of bricks and I felt like I was doubting God. I was telling people we were believing and having faith but yet we hadn't obviously had enough faith in God because not ONE thing in our home had been packed. So therefore I haven't been preparing myself and my family for God to take us to the next level... or the next place he has for us.

I hope all of you who read this... look at your life and see what you can do to prepare your family or your house hold for what God has in store for you. Don't just sit back and wait...


- Sarah :-) said...

I had a similar realization the other week. The verse "Ask and you shall receive, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened" - a verse we've all read and heard liek a BAZILLION times - well it finally hit home ina totally different way. You have to knock first. Whoa - earth shattering reality, but it's true. You dont just stand in front of someone's house waiting for the door to open and for them to greet you, you have to knock to let them know you're ready.

It's also like the story about the two farmers. They both prayed and prayed and prayed for rain during a very bad dry season. They prayed night and day. Farmer #1 - prayed continuously in his home, but Farmer #2 - got up and prepared his field... digging, planting... just doing the work. So when the rain finally came, when God answered their prayers, Farmer #2 went into his home and waiting for the crop, but Farmer #1 was scurrying around trying to plant his crop in the midst of the storm. And though his prayers had been answered, he yielded a crappy crop because he expected it to just all happen on it's own.

Can God take care of all of it for us? Absolutely. But will he? Let's just say he has given us the knowledge and ability to do our part. What would we learn if he did everything for us 100% of the time?

Looks like you and I are on similar pages, my dear, but for very different reasons. Let me know if you need help packing. No joke - I'll help you out. With McStudly's crazy schedule, I've got plenty of free time to help out if you need it!!

April E. :) said...

Great seems we step back and what him to do all the work...but he first asks us to step out on faith. We are praying for you!